racconti racconti brevi

È primavera

immagine presa qui

– È il primo giorno di primavera, Annarita.
– È il primo giorno di primavera, Ferruccio.

E anche quest’anno il rito è compiuto. L’antica promessa pagana ha preso forma, riscaldando in loro la certezza di aver tenuto fede a qualcosa di soprannaturale.

Certo vi è stato qualche particolare fuori posto: le voci arrochite dal tempo, o dall’emozione di trovarsi finalmente di fronte; la forza e la pervasività di una canzone oggi ancor più viva nelle loro menti; l’esitazione (visibile nell’accento carico di sentimento appoggiato sul nome altrui) nel riconoscere la primigenia gerarchia di fede dopo decenni dedicati alle rispettive missioni di vita.

Nella canonica del paese che li ha cresciuti in una fanciullezza carica di ideali e promesse dirette al e dal futuro, riescono ora, trapassati gli anni, a guardarsi finalmente negli occhi.

Le mani di Ferruccio si rifugiano in quelle di Annarita, portando una primula e Annarita ha un piccolo cedimento al ginocchio destro. Ferruccio allunga la mano e l’avambraccio a sostegno del gomito di Annarita e lei veloce raggiunge con la mano libera la spalla di lui.

In un attimo si accorciano tutte le distanze. Non rimane che accennare un passo di valzer.

– Non mi hai detto cosa ci fai qui.
– Avevo espresso il desiderio di morire circondato dai canti dei nativi. Figurarsi! Sono stato strappato dalla Missione e riconsegnato al luogo di partenza. Ora sono un vecchio parroco che non potrà far troppi danni, dato il dolore per la privazione del sogno e l’età avanzata. E tu?
– Sto terminando la conta dei beni di famiglia al fine di lasciar l’eredità alle consorelle. Per convincermi della necessità del gesto, nell’ultimo decennio mi hanno spostata dall’educativo al gestionale. Una vecchia suora senza parenti non può che pensare alle giovani bisognose di mezzi e aiuti.

Si sorridono. I passi di danza continuano. La musica si consolida tra le menti. Lo sguardo complice fotografa un pensiero comune.

– È il primo giorno di primavera, Annarita.
– È il primo giorno di primavera, Ferruccio.

I Dik Dik – Il Primo Giorno Di Primavera (ORIGINAL 1969)


76 risposte su “È primavera”

Fantastico racconto!!! 🤩🤩🥰💕💖💕💖🌹❤️❤️🌹❤️😘🤗😘🤗😘🤗😘🤗😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️💕🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹💖💕💕💕

Piace a 2 people

Ma grazie Giada! Sono felice che ti sia piaciuta questa rinascita esistenziale 😉 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 😀 😀

Piace a 2 people

Super tantissimoooo!!!!! 😃😉😍❤️😘💕😘🤩🥰💖🥰💖🥰💖🤗💖🤗🥰💖🤗💖🥰💫😘💕💕💕❤️💫❤️💫❤️💫❤️💫❤️✨🥳✨🥳✨🥳💖💕💕💕💕💕

Piace a 1 persona

Yepaaaa! Mi toccherà scriverne ancora 😮 😂😂😂😛😛😛😛😛😛😛🤩🥰🤩🥰🤩🥰🤩🥰🤩🥰🤩🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Piace a 1 persona

Woooww Grandeeeeeeeee!!!! 😃😉😃😉😍🤩😍😎😎😎😎🥰💫🥰💫🤗🥰❤️💖😘😘💕😘💕💖💕😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍🤗💫🤗💫🤗💫🤗🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰💫🥰❤️🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💫❤️❤️❤️

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😮 :-O 😉 😉 😀 😀 🙂 🙂 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 con il mio super mantello dell’invisibilità! 😀 🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️

Piace a 1 persona

❤️🥰❤️😎😉😎😃😃😁😄😍🤗🤩🤩💖síiii super scrittriceeee!!! 😍💖😍💖😍💖😍💖😍💖😍😍💖😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩💕💖🤩💖💕💖💕❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🤗💫🤗❤️🥰❤️

Piace a 1 persona

ahahahah! ma nooooooo 😛 😛 😛 😁😁🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰😁😁😁😁🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰🤗❤️🥰

Piace a 1 persona


Piace a 1 persona

ahahahahahah! che meravigliosi super eroi della scrittura!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 🦹‍♂️🦸‍♀️🖋️📖📝😎🥰😎🥰😎🥰😎🥰😎🥰😎🥰😘💖😘💖😘💖😘💖😘💖😘💖😘💖

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❤️💕❤️😃😉🤩😄😁😍😘😍😘😍😘🦹‍♂️🖋️📝🦸‍♀️✒️📖💕siiii troppo figooo!!! 🤩😄🤩😉😃🦹‍♂️💕🤗😍🤗😍🤗😍🤩🥰🥰💖🥰😘💖😘💖😘💖😘💖😘😘😘💕❤️💕❤️😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕💕❤️💕❤️

Piace a 1 persona


Piace a 1 persona

😄🥰🥰🥰😄❤️😄❤️😄❤️😄❤️😄❤️🥰😄😄😄❤️😄❤️😄❤️😄❤️😄❤️😄😄🥰🥰🥰🥰😄😄😄😄❤️😄❤️😄❤️😄🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 😮 😀 😉

Piace a 1 persona

Senti un po’ è vero che hai intenzione di continuare vero? Parlo del racconto perché è solo il primo giorno di primavera ma da qui all’estate ci sono 90 giorni circa… E così come la primavera esplode e si moltiplica sicuramente dovrai moltiplicare le pagine almeno per una questione di ritmo costante … perché la primavera mica si ferma, si trasforma!!!!!🤗👍💖💖💖👍

Piace a 2 people

Ah che birba-birbante! solletichi l’ego! io volevo lasciare alla fantasia di ciascuno le ipotesi trasformative, mica mi ero resa conto che poteva diventare una prima puntata… 😛 😛 😛

Piace a 2 people

Allora proponi sicuramente ci saranno delle adesioni a continuare queste cose di solito funzionano bene magari mi ci potrei infilare anche io anche se non ne sono molto convinta perché come te non è un periodo serenamente prolifero per me

Piace a 2 people

Buona primavera anche a te cara❣❣❣ Bello il tuo racconto dedicato alla primavera!!! La primavera è la primavera e non ha eguali però potresti scriverne altri in base all’inizio di ogni stagione oppure continuare con questi due protagonisti!!!

Piace a 2 people

Ma no Enry, mi stupirei del contrario. È anche giusto così, alle persone piace essere adulate oppure non troppo platealmente smentite. E io adoro distruggere le maschere… E…sapessi come vanno giù…🌈🌈🌈🌈

Piace a 2 people

The Next פרק of the Book of ויקרא, it contains 6 סוגיות. The first סוגיא, א:יד – יז, ב: א – ג, ב: ד, ב: ה,ו. ב: ז- יג, ב: יד -טז. The Torah learns by means of משנה תורה precedents. Thereafter, Books of the later Prophets too serve as precedents whereby a scholar learns the mussar commandments of the Torah. This sh’itta (method) of learning the Written Torah as the first Common Law codification, this most essential precedent of how to correctly learn the Torah, it proves conclusively that the NaCH Order\Codification likewise organized as through the sh’itta of common law. Hence the Talmud learns likewise through this common law sh’itta.

The attempts made by Reshonim scholarship to learn the Written Torah down to its simple פשט, which some understood as grammar, contrasts with Rashi’s unique sh’itta of learning פשט. He affixed Midrash and Aggaditah to a specific verse. Rashi’s exceptionally terse language did not explain the logic by which he accomplished his utterly amazing commentary upon the Chumash. Oral Torah logic, classically taught one on one with a Rabbi to a pupil. Alas even before the Rambam Civil War, many if not most rabbinic authorities had lost the skill\wisdom of the פרדס Oral Torah logic. Hundreds of super commentaries written on the Rashi Chumash commentary. Personally have not seen a single post Rashi commentary which understood the פרדס system of logic.

This absolute disaster serves as proof of the brutal realities of g’lut. The harsh environmental conditions which threatened the very continued existence and survival of g’lut Jewry. Scattered by the Romans, following the 3 Wars which resulted in our total defeat. Jews, thrown into g’lut, defeated, decimated survivors of those brutal revolts; sold as slaves, forced to live in hostile societies who hated and detested the ‘cursed wandering Jews’. ‘Condemned by God to forever wander the earth’, as despised and detested refugees – who have no rights.

The vast majority of the Jewish people under these conditions assimilated, embraced, and copied the cultures and customs of the societies wherein they struggled to survive and continue to exist. The same realities equally affected Sephardi and Ashkenazi g’lut Jewry. The halachic codes made by the B’hag, Rif, and Rosh they sharply contrast against the later works produced by assimilated scholars like the Rambam, the Tur, the Shulchan Aruch, and the ghetto Polish commentaries made upon that latter worthless code of statute law.

The day and night difference between Rashi’s commentary and the later super commentaries upon Rashi … they closely compare to post Rambam Civil War Talmudic scholarship which clearly had no knowledge of the פרדס Oral Torah logic format — designed to employ this unique sh’itta of logic to interpret the Written Torah mussar commandments. The rabbinic authorities after the Rambam, they compare to herds of buffalo who run off the edge of a cliff, chased by leaves blowing into the wind.

Post Shoah, many Israelis utterly despised the Shoah survivors. Israeli society viewed their willingness to simply walk passively to their deaths as an absolute disgrace which revealed their despicable cowardness. Following the Eichmann Trial, Israelis embraced a different point of view. We had a better grasp of the horrors of the Nazi war crimes. We thereafter better understood and recognized the horrid plight of European Jewry.

Sephardi rabbinic authorities in mass, they volunteered to kiss the butt of ancient Greek philosophers. This decision compares to the plight of Shoah survivors. It therefore requires that later generations strive to appreciate and understand the harsh physical environment which directly challenged our Jewish survival as a people.

The facts testify to their defense: Jewish communities they did survived, despite taxation without representation, arbitrary expulsions, absolute poverty and destitute misery, constant slanders, degradations and humiliations. Consequently rabbinic Judaism merits more than simple pity. Rabbinic Judaism, church Priests and Pastors, they often persecuted those Rabbinic authorities first, and only thereafter butchered & slaughtered the hapless Jewish common man. The Shach (1622-1663), a Polish lord murdered him as a sacrifice.

Jews, my Yeshiva peers, who study the Shulchan Aruch, virtually all view the commentaries made by the Shach and his son in law the TaZ, as absolutely essential to understand that statute law codification. Rav Nemuraskii chose to reveal the פרדס logic system only to myself. My peers who did not learn this definitive sh’itta of Rabbi Akiva, they do not merit contempt for their ignorance.

Post Shoah Israel, perhaps we compare to a turtle that slowly emerges from within its protective shell. 2000+ years of g’lut, even after the attainment of National Independence as a People, only slowly do the differences emerge which distinguish a free independent nation from despised refugee populations who endured harsh environments in g’lut societies. All of whom, with the big exception of the United States, have generally abhorred and detested the existence of Jewish refugees within their borders. Some South American governments, of the Catholic new world, immediately after WWII, with the blessings of Poop Pius XII, openly embraced and concealed Nazi War criminals.

With this preamble introduction completed,,, let’s learn. A slightly distant precedent דברים יז: ח – יג. The mussar instruction of the משנה תורה contrasts with the non-commandment Oleh bird offering. The משנה תורה obligates our bnai brit allied People to present our disputes before lateral common law courts. A precise exact precedent, כד: א-ד. The mussar instruction here compares the Cohen bnai brit alliance among our people to a divorced and remarried woman. That woman’s first husband, should not despise and detest his ex-wife. In like manner, Jews who have a dispute with other Jews, we need to respect our alliance together as a People.
Consider ישעיה ג: טז – יז as a precedent which supports the k’vanna of this mussar.

The משנה תורה now weighs the mussar k’vanna toward a meal offering dedication. A slightly removed precedent, דברים ה: יב – טו. The instruction compares the brit relationship with our people to honoring and respecting shabbot from chol. The brit relationship sets our people apart from all other Goyim on the Planet Earth, just as shabbot stands separated from the days of chol. Another slightly removed precedent: ח: יט – כ. The mussar here stands on the יסוד of the disgraceful behavior of the brothers of Yosef. If we despise and hate our people, how can we honor our oath brit relationship with HaShem?

A exact precise precedent: טו: ז – יא. Here the Torah compares giving a loan, when requested by the poor among our people,,, even if the shmitta year approaches. Respecting the dignity of even the poor among our people, it measures and defines the precondition of loving HaShem with all our wealth; as expressed through the language of the kre’a shma. A precedent which supports this mussar, ישעיה א:א-ט.

Shall learn the next three סוגיות as one intact סוגיא: ב: ד – יג. A distant not precise precedent, דברים ב: ח – ל. This mussar precedent compares the negative commandment, not to make war upon Moav, despite the decree which bans all Moav males from becoming Jewish. Irregardless, the Avraham/Lot family relationship merits respect. This mussar makes reference to the Wilderness generation. Learned in context, that cursed generation clearly they would not and did not respect the oath brit alliance cut among and between the nation of Israel @ Sinai and Horev.

The king of Sichon, he informed Avraham of the capture of Lot. None the less, this does not compare to the alliance which Avraham and Lot swore to one another. The language: HaShem hardened his spirit and heart against Israel, it compares to a similar language touching Par’o in Egypt in the days of Moshe.

A much closer, but still slightly removed precedent: ה: א – י. The Oral Torah brit explanation of the revelation of Horev’s interpretation of the Sinai experience. Only Israel accepted this revelation, which resembles a 10 commandment statute law! To discern between Common vs. Statute law — it compares to differentiate respect for our bnai brit people from all other Goyim; both this and that live as human beings. Our assimilated failure, to differentiate between our shared oath alliance cut between ourselves, from alien Goyim who have no such oath alliance – effectively guarantees bringing Torah curses upon our heads, and upon the heads of our children and their children etc.

Contrast a distant precedent: ו: כ – כה. On Pesach night the question asked by the wise child, together with its תשובה. All generations of Israel came out of Egypt. Hence our people strongly advised to always separate the k’vanna of our behavior toward our own people, as contrasted by non bnai brit Goyim – family first.

Another slightly distant precedent: דברים טו:יב – כג. Sending away the Eved Iveri, respecting his dignity and giving him the means to start his life over again. The bnai brit folk have an obligation to for-ever remember our deliverance from Egyptian slavery. An exact and precise precedent: כד: יז – כה: יט The positive commandment to guard the dignity of the poor and weak among our people. Court room righteous justice, when our people dispute among ourselves – this compares to respecting the dignity of the fatherless and widow. The יסוד of respect, equally applies also even to all domestic animals under our command.

In like and equal measure the positive commandment of Yevbum. Protecting and respecting the dignity of our people, the positive commandment to protect ‘their’ backs. This positive commandment equally expressed through our business practices among and between our bnai brit people. A popular opinion, that we Jews have lost the ‘fear of heaven’ to do the mitzva of Yevbum. If so then we have equally lost the ‘fear of heaven’ to practice honest and straight business dealings with our people.

Absolutely no difference between the positive commandments of Yevbum and honesty in business. Both require ‘fear of heaven’. The master of a good name, builds a reputation – shared among his neighbors, that that righteous man guards the backs of his bnai brit people. He gives them heart, during hard times when they endure anguish and distress. Unlike the ”’friends”’ of Job. A precedent learned from ישעיה ט:יג – י:לב, the prophet gives a exceedingly bitter and very harsh g’lut mussar.

The closing סוגיא of ויקרא פרק ב: By now משנה תורה common law, obvious to all, the sharp day and night difference between this type of legal system from that of Statute law, as expressed in the tumah codes of the Rambam, Tur, and Karo codes. The Book of ויקרא opens with the kleppot shells of religious korbanot ritualism. This 3rd Book of the Torah absolutely requires the משנה תורה to understand the k’vanna of these positive time oriented commandments. Worlds separate the substance of tefillah, from the forms of the written Siddur.

The substance of government, the current leaders calling the shots. The forms of government, the halls of Congress or the Knesset building. The sharp contrast between the substance vs. the forms of Government. The Prime Minister together with his Cabinet, who devises and determines State strategic and tactical policies. Far removed and different from the buildings wherein these leaders conduct the business of State. In like manner the k’vanna which requires that the Moshiach builds the Beit Hamikdash.

A slightly distant precedent: דברים יב: כט – יג:א. The P’sach killing of the first born contrasts with assimilation which arouses the desires to pursue the customs manners practices and ways of Goyim societies who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai & Horev. Another slightly removed precedent: כג:כב – כד. The forms of korbanot intrinsically depend upon the k’vanna of the oaths and vows sworn by the person who dedicates a korban, holy to HaShem. This closing סוגיא has no precise משנה תורה precedent. But ישעיה כז:יב – כח:ד functions as an exact precedent. Here the mussar differentiates between the gaulah of Yechudah, from the klippah g’lut of Ephraim. Woe to the statute halachah fools, who confuse the forms of halachic ritualism. With the substance of k’vanna, required by all positive time oriented commandments – dedicated as a korban – holy to HaShem. HaShem commands the substance of k’vanna of positive time oriented commandments … not the forms of halachic ritualism and worship.

Piace a 1 persona

Tohor and Tumah middot – they define Torah scholarship upon the Written Torah as the Constitution of the Republic of Judea. This ancient history, lost to most of humanity, to this very day.

Shall attempt to interpret recent American history as viewed through the perspective “lenses” of tohor and tumah middot. I sincerely hope you will enjoy this line of scholarship.

This introduction, an attempt to define the abstract terms of tohor as opposed by tumah …  Tumah middot, defined as “contrast qualities’ ‘.  If a person behaves, speaks, or even implies through subtle hints\clues/satire etc … such behavior promotes and triggers conflicts.
The same equally applies to “similar attributes’ , ie tohor middot.  “Similar attributes” when expressed or communicated by whatever means …a smile of warmth, support or acceptance during a social crisis … such behavor reduces social strife and hatred.

All Torah T’NaCH and Talmudic law stands upon the Written Torah commandment, a negative commandment not to do Avodat HaShem while breathing tumah spirits.  Doing avodat HaShem while breathing tumah Spirits carries the extreme Capital Crimes din of כרת, death by the hand of Heaven … Hand of Heaven: defined as Torah curses both written and unwritten.

לשון הרע\slander for example, Talmudic sages taught that this tumah spirit releases 3 Torah curses upon Humanity.  A Torah curse compares to the blow of an axe to a tree.  The נמשל to the משל “tree”, the bnai brit alliance which binds the Jewish people into the chosen Cohen nation.  Torah curses effectively cuts, some if not most, the Jewish people, except for the remnant, away from the oath brit Tree of Life.  Similar to how the blow of an axe cuts large chips away from the tree.

Nach employs the metaphor משל of a chopped down tree that returns and spouts.   Spouts of life thereafter does spring forth and erupt from the “dead” trunk of those chopped down trees.  Persons whom contrast qualities dominate and define their lives on earth, can achieve fame, but after they pass from this world, life does not spring forth from their decapitated trunks.  Death destroys and uproots their fame, however bright their glory waved while they yet lived.

Arthur Koestler, a famous anti-communist originally a member of the Communist Party of Germany.  His friend Richard Crossman, MP, the editor of “The God That Failed” referred to Koestler as “a hell of a raper” [of women].   Whittaker Chambers, an American journalist, a popular writer-editor of Time magazine, who enjoyed a dramatic impact upon an unusually popular reading audience.  He became, consequent to the Hess trial became one of the most divisive figures during the political witch hunts defined by Senator McCarthy’s vicious slander campaigns.  With an unconvincing show piety of “Quaker meekness”, Chambers lack of public graciousness inspired fierce attacks by his critics, who challenged his authenticity.
In summation, the analysis made upon these two famous men, that contrast qualities dominated both their lives and personal characters.  Their fame stands upon the foundation of tumah middot.

George F. Will in “Conservatism is soiled by scowling primitives,” Washington Post May 31, 2017 described  Chambers with this description: “” Chambers wallowed in cloying sentimentality and curdled resentment about “the plain men and women”—”my people, humble people, strong in common sense, in common goodness”—enduring the “musk of snobbism” emanating from the “socially formidable circles” of the “nicest people” produced by “certain collegiate eyries.” .  Will’s poetic licence requires clarification.  A collegiate-church … described as the control over the daily office of worship, maintained by a college of canons: ie a non-monastic or “secular” community of clergy, organised as a self-governing corporate body, often presided over by a dean or provost.

This author denounces both men as master stroke political frauds.   Employment of mass hysteria fears of Communism, by this foil political backdrop, the Industrial military complex worked in alliance with the post War Truman Administration, through intrigue and political naïveté of the latter, sinister Corporate monopoly forces transformed our Republic unto the evil Pax American empire. 

This abra cadabra political witchcraft, it set the stage for US imperialism.  The illegal invasion of South Vietnam.   The camelot Kennedy Administration proposed to turn South Vietnam into an American banana Republic.  Washington favored the rule of pliable ‘Strong Men’ as dictators of South Vietnam. 

In my youth, it always bothered me, the strategic and tactical constraints Washington placed upon US military forces.  Specifically the failure of the US military to attack and invade North Vietnam.   Unlike what happened when General Douglas MacArthur invaded North Korea.   Later the realization dawned upon me, the real intent of the US illegal invasion of South Vietnam.   

Washington under Kennedy, LBJ, and Nixon had no real interest at all, in North Vietnam!  MacArthur proved through his management of conquered Japan, that he respected the dignity of the Japanese people.  The Vietnam War conducted by these latter three Administrations, in fact despised the dignity of the common man in Southern Vietnam.  Life for the 98% of the population, of any banana republic, has no value at all.

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The 8th chapter of Leviticus: ד: כב – כו. The conclusion of the 5th Aliya to Parshat ויקרא

This chapter specifically commands the korban of purification of Moshiach to the leaders of the nation. The korban of purification began with the subject of נפש כי תחטא, then address this subject to כל עדת ישראל. Followed by the next פרק which applies the korban of purification to נפש אחת תחטא. The korban of purification, which this commentary refers to, as the korban Moshiach, this mussar clearly applies to all bnai brit folk who comprise the “Jewish nation”, in all generations, which our People live and walk before HaShem.

This, the opening Parsha of ויקרא, it rejects the notion of Moshiach as a one shot affair as depicted by the new testament abomination. The counterfeit Roman\Greek theology of Father, Son, Holy Spirit Trinity represents a Second Temple period fraud, foisted by Goyim as representing the original intent of the Torah. Goyim, they know absolutely nothing concerning the dedication of Avodat HaShem, which the Written Torah commands; the threat of כרת decreed upon all who attempt avodat HaShem who breath tumah spirits. No avodat HaShem can occur without breathing tohor spirits. The “holy spirit” avodah zarah perversion preached by that debased “sister religion” – never not even once – addresses this critical issue.

This commentary offers the tumah din of כרת, as evidence that Goyim of both “sister religions” (of avodah zarah), that the followers of both forms of “strange worship”, the protagonists Goyim of both religions, who make the claim that they worship the tohor God of Israel, that their membership followers, they all lack “fear of heaven”. Therefore the believers of both counterfeit religions, they all worship foreign alien tumah Gods. Cursed Gods which the 2nd Commandment of the Sinai revelation of the Written Torah @ Sinai commands Israel not to worship.

Why cursed Gods? The prophet Moshe commands Life or Death, blessing or Curse. As the violation of eating the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil brought death upon Humanity. Based upon this Torah precedent, the worship of other Gods, likewise brings death unto Humanity. The study of Torah commandments, they all learn by way of Torah precedents … Common Law. The counterfeit religions of avodah zarah both of these foreign alien forgeries fail to learn the Common Law Way which the Torah commands.

Both reject this “Way”, and consequently both despise the Oral Torah logic system which systematically compares and learns mitzvot from other mitzvot. Both tumah religions replace belief in theological declarations of faith with the Oral Torah logic system by which the latter emphatically compares mitzvot to other mitzvot as the Way to study and learn the Torah. Both replacement theologies declare that either Jesus or Mohammad stand as “the Way” to approach God. Islam declares to a strict Monotheism adherance belief theology. Irregardless that such an absurd notion violates the 2nd Commandment of the Sinai revelation. Both tumah religions emphatically embraced the rediscovery of the ancient Greeks schools of philosophy which teach completely different logic formats, as expressed through the writings of Plato and Aristotle.

Both tumah religions make strong efforts to negate and invalidate the existence of the Oral Torah logic sh’itta\method of learning the Written Torah Way that understands Written Torah commandments by and through comparison with other Torah commandments. The logic formats of both Plato and Aristotle, neither made the study of Written Torah commandments the chief focus of their logic formats. Oral Torah logic, as expressed to Common Law precedents, stands in stark contrast. The Oral Torah sh’itta of logic serves only to attain a depth understanding of the תרי”ג commandments, like as the Gemarah of the Talmud, that it serves only to attain a depth understanding of the Mishnah common law Courtroom rulings which establish halachah.

T’NaCH prophetic command mussar. This basic and fundamental reality, Talmudic aggaditah likewise expresses and instructs . If a person can do no more than simply regurgitate the printed words contained within those texts – what a disgrace. Rote learning represents a style of education associated with small children whose mental capabilities have yet to mature and fully develop. Parroting words from either the T’NaCH or Talmud, compares to the praise parents give their small children when they first learn how to read. Adults who learn in similar fashion as do young children in pre-school, merit pity, derision, and contempt — pathetic morons.

Weigh the mussar commanded by ישעיה in יא:ו — ונער קטן נהג בם. The common law codification, as expressed through all the Books of the Prophets, learns a clause contained within a larger sugia in contexts with the subject matter addressed by the larger sugia. Propaganda rhetoric, by sharp contrast employs a defined style; it divorces a specific from its larger contexts. Propaganda rhetoric employs half-truths to deceive its “sheeple” patsy, easily manipulated or victimized child-like victims.

Common law does not rely on clauses taken out of context, like as defines the new testament avodah zarah. A clause specific can however define the general contexts – intent. The sugia of ישעיה which contains this specific clause: יא: א – ט. The logic of Oral Torah common law employs a discipline of comparing a sugia with closely related precedent sugiot. This commentary shall bring two precedent similar sugiot in ישעיה and another precedent similar sugia as located in the Books of first שמואל then followed by a precedent in the Book of מלכים.

The first exact precedent ישעיה ח:טז – ט: ו. The theologies preached by the tumah religions of avodah zarah, centers upon telling “children” what they must believe. These tumah religions do not concern themselves with justice and restitution of damages inflicted by the strong upon the weak. If “children” rebelled and refused to bark the Party Line, both religions murdered those heretic rebellious children. Or they ostracized, and forced them to live as part of a ghetto-like inferior race subclass which – descent, acceptable society rightly abhorred.

A second precedent witness from ישעיה, examine כז: יג – כח: טו. The prophet condemns both Cohen and prophet for their failure to rule the land with justice, through the rhetorical metaphor of a table polluted by vomit; who lack fear of heaven and do avodat HaShem while in a condition of tumah. The Torah commands the mussar of g’lut, Aggaditah learns the k’vanna of the g’lut of Adam from the Garden, as the יסוד opposite “דיוק”, of life in the oath sworn lands. The Torah does not teach, much less so – it does not command the perversion of the Original Sin guilt trip doctrine; whose theology attempts to justify the death and resurrection of JeZeus, as the savior from the curse from Original Sin, whose theology condemns all Humanity to death. The hole in the balloon of this empty rhetoric propaganda: it fails to define from the Torah the meaning of the terms Life and Death.

All Humanity did not accept the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai. Therefore, even when prophets, Yonah for example did address Goyim, the mussar of their prophecy limits the priority scope of their address, to the chosen bnai brit Cohen nation. That Goyim who reject the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai, yet for a short time repent when hearing a prophetic rebuke, like as happened when the rough Seas went still after casting Yonah off the ship, this mussar serves as a disgrace upon the Cohen nation, who does accept the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai. Our failure to do t’shuvah – based upon the mussar which the prophets command.

Shall bring now the prophet Shmuel as a witness. שמואל א י:יז – כב. The prophet reminds Israel of the first and second commandments of the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai. As the people rejected HaShem as their King, so too after the prophet anointed Shaul as king, HaShem would reject him and his house as king. The later anointing of the house of David, teaches a completely different mussar as taught within this precedent sugia.

Another precedent witness מלכים ב יא: ד – יב. Many have filled the title and role of false messiah. This closing witness precedent offered as conclusive proof that the Yatzir Ha’Rah arouses passions within all Humanity which worships not only avodah zarah but false messiahs as well.

This introduction serves as the perspective by which to learn this the 8th chapter of the first Parshah of the Book of ויקרא. Shall now examine this פרק of the Torah based upon the precedent mussar which the משנה תורה both interprets its k’vanna and commands the matter of the heart of the Moshiach anointing applicable to Klall Yisrael forever and to all generations.

A slightly distant precedent דברים ז: יב – טז. Torah blessing springs forth upon the chosen Cohen nation when we detest assimilation and despise assimilation to foreign cultures customs manners and ways. Another slightly distant precedent יז: א – ז. The opening p’suk rejects as an abomination the new testament attempt to compare the brutal torture of that false messiah imaginary man as a korban sacrifice which sanctifies the Name. Worship of a tumah false messiah, declaration of any man as God, qualifies as a Capital Crime which merits the most severe form of Capital punishment – death by stoning.

Why does death by stoning qualify as more severe than decapitation by sword? Death by stoning mutilates the body. Bodily mutilation, learns from the negative commandment against making tatoos upon the flesh. Another precedent, the positive commandment to limit the number of lashes inflicted upon a רשע to a maximum of 40 lashes. Bodily mutilation exposes a contempt for the person – the criminal – so punished.

The exact precedent כב:ה – כג: ב. The positive commandment to shoo away the mother from her eggs or chicks teaches the mussar that respect for the dignity of others, even applies to animals. A person who falsely accuses his wife of having had tumah sexual relations with others receives both lashes, a large fine, and loses the power to ever divorce his wife when she challenges the divorce. The multiple case precedents included center upon the protection and preservation of dignity of others.

An exact precise precedent learned from the mussar instruction of the prophet יהושע .יט:נא – כ:ט. Torah justice centers upon respecting and protecting the dignity of our People. The extreme case, represented by the commitment to protect a person who flees from the blood avenger who killed a person through an accident. By respecting the dignity of our People, this most essential criteria, it separates Jews ruling our homelands – from Jews enduring the trials of g’lut oppression and injustice.

ישעיה א: כא – לא another mussar precedent which understands the k’vanna of the 8th chapter of ויקרא. Avodah zarah prioritizes belief in the theology and dogmas of the Gods whom priests and other religious authorities demand that the people believe the Creeds determined by the elders of that religious abomination. The Torah by sharp and distinct contrast prizes the solemn brit commitment by the judges – both Cohonim and prophets – to sanctify the oath brit commitment of dedication to respect the dignity of all the bnai brit people — irregardless of their social status within our civilization.

"Mi piace"

“The 9th chapter of Leviticus: ד: כז – לא”

This chapter addresses the korban of purification (of the Moshiach) for the common man…נפש אחת תחטא.  The central focus of Torah faith centers upon the eternal struggle – obligation to live life as a Mensch.  Pirkei Avot 2:5 “In a place where there are no people, you should strive to be a person.”  The k’vanna of this mussar, based upon לבבך\כם of the kre’a shma acceptance of the yoke of heaven.  Perhaps the sharpest contrast to this mussar, the disgraced Nazi soldiers who attempted to justify their war criminal behavior with the excuse of simply following orders.

A slightly distant precedent דברים יב: כט – יג: א.  This mussar commanded by this sugia warns against assimilation.  Assimilation to the cultures and customs of Goyim who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai & Horev, represents a huge expression of the jealousy felt by the Yatzir Ha’Rah.

Another slightly removed precedent יח: ו – ח.  The Tribe of Levi did not receive a Tribal inheritance of the land as did the other sons of Yaacov.  The crisis of the Golden Calf, Levi demonstrated their t’shuvah, and received a direct portion of the Cohen obligation to instruct prophetic mussar unto the rest of the Nation.  Israel has an eternal obligation to give heart to Levi so as not to arouse the tumah Yatzir of jealousy and lust.  

Another slightly distant precedent כג: כב – כד.  Making a Torah vow, (as mentioned previously like committing to write a Sefer Torah), a person should not delay this mitzvah, lest it arouse the jealousy of HaShem.

A distant precedent ל:טו – כ.  HaShem jealously judges each and every generation as to our fidelity to the oath sworn by the Avot unto HaShem.  G’lut Jewry as a hard and fast rule, they only know of the oath which HaShem swore an oath brit with the Avot.  Ignored and totally forgotten the 3 oaths which the Avot swore to HaShem when they cut the oath brit faith.  

The jealousy of HaShem forever judges the dedication of the generations to keep the oaths, our eternal inheritance, sworn by the Avot unto HaShem.  The scales of justice weigh Blessing or Curse; Life or Death; Judicial justice within the oath sworn lands or judicial corruption and oppression of the strong over the weak, the wealthy over the poor.

The משנה תורה does not include an exact precedent for this the 9th פרק of the Parshah of ויקרא.  But the prophet ישעיה commands mussar precedents which serve as precise precedents by which to understand the k’vanna of this the 9th פרק of Leviticus.  

כז: יב – יג  This mussar commands hope for the coming g’eulah from the cruel oppression endured by our People in g’lut.  Three years after the Goyim systematically murdered 75% of European Jewry, the nation of Israel rose out of our 2000+ years grave; and cast our cruel Goyim overlords, both Xtians and Muslims, unto a g’lut of their very own.  Europe ceased existence as Xtian nations, and the common man moans, waiting for the 2nd Coming; stateless refugee Arabs decry their absolute disgrace … the victory of the risen Jewish State.

Another precise, exact precedent of mussar: כט: כב – ל: ה.  The jealousy of HaShem does not forget the oath sworn to Avraham, Yitzak, and Yaacov.  This opening sugia precedent opens with the term: לכן.  Midrash teaches that this word expresses the language of an oath.

None the less the tumah Yatzir Ha’Rah within the hearts of the Israeli common man, it continually entices the daughter of Zion to pursue assimilation to the customs, ways, and practices of Goyim who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai @ Horev.  The revelation of the Written and Oral Torah serve as eternal witnesses in all matters of דיני נפשות.  All Cases of דיני נפשות require no less than two independent witnesses.

Another precise and exact mussar rebuke: לא: א – ג.  The mussar stands clear and crisp: ומצרים אדם ולא אל.  As horses live as flesh, and not spirit, so too and how much more so the רוח הקודש middot of the Oral Torah breath tohor spirits rather than kleppah shells of empty word noises that cry for mercy, expressions of faithless assimilated Israelis and g’lut Jews.

Still another precise and exact mussar rebuke: מ: ט – כו.  The mussar of Moshiach burns in the opening sugia.  HaShem alone rules as KING over his chosen Cohen Nation.

The 2nd sugia again validates HaShem alone as the KING of the chosen Cohen Nation.  Israel remembers the mussar rebuke of the prophet Shmuel when assimilated Israel rebelled and asked for a king other than HaShem.  HaShem alone brought Israel out of the slavery of Egyptian oppression.  HaShem alone commanded the first and second Commandments of the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai; @ Horev – the revelation of the 13 tohor middot spirits of רוח הקודש logic – appointed by HaShem alone – as the eternal inheritance of the chosen Cohen nation.   The Oral Torah revelation of רוח הקודש permits the generations to interpret the k’vanna of the Written Torah common law codification,,, the תרי”ג commandments.

The preachers of theology establish Creeds and Dogmas that command Goyim to believe in God in this or that fashion.  Comparable to fools who compare HaShem to sticks and stones.  Justice this obligation has the KING placed into the hands of the chosen Cohen Nation.  Justice stands alone as the sole obligation which the תרי”ג commandments command the generations.

Creeds, Theology, Dogmas, and Doctrines do not compare to the 1st Commandment of the Revelation of the Torah @ Sinai.  Yet this has not stopped Goyim attempts to replace with their beliefs – Monotheism and Trinity etc – as did the fools who cast their idols cut out of gold or fine wood.   As if their Replacement theologies possessed the power to cast the Crown of the KING unto their satanic Hell.

Still another exact precise mussar precedent which the prophet commands: סב: י – יב.  Another vision of the redemption of the chosen Cohen nation from the cruel unjust oppression imposed by Statute Laws, the expression of tyrants.  HaShem redeems Israel from g’lut and restores the eternal obligation to rule the oath sworn lands with righteous lateral common law justice.

"Mi piace"

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